- 我想你得到答案了。
- Guess you have your answer .
- 我想你可以这样说。
- I guess you could say that .
- 那是最有可能的猜测。
- A. that 's the most likely guess .
- 请记住这些只是我的推测。
- Keep in mind this is pure conjecture .
- 这并不是一个奇怪的推测。
- This isn 't such a strange conjecture .
- 那某种能量是什么东西,仍然在推测。
- What that something is , remains conjecture .
- 当然,我们不能仅凭一年的气温来推测全球气温的变化趋势。
- Of course , you can 't infer trends in global temperatures from one year 's experience .
- 研究员们还可以从这个外壳结构中推测出关于形成(过程的)时间表。
- The researchers could also infer from the shell 's structure a timetable for its creation .
- 发现一种动物以何为食的直接证据非常的有价值,我们不用再从它们的牙齿形状来推测它们吃什么了。
- Discovering direct evidence of what a fossil animal ate , rather than having to infer it from details such as the shape of its teeth , is always valuable .
- 据测算,有6450万套公寓没有通电,意味着这足够两亿人居住的房子都是空的。
- By one reckoning , there are 64.5 million flats with no electricity hookups , meaning they are empty enough housing to accommodate 200 million people .
- 按照以色列的估计,伊朗在未来几个月内就能获取制造核武器的技术,在其后的一年内就能造出核弹。
- By israel 's reckoning , iran will have the know-how to make nuclear weapons within months and , thereafter , could build atomic bombs within a year .
- 根据这种测算,自耶稣诞生以来创造的历史中,有28%是在20世纪创造的。
- By this reckoning , over 28 % of all the history made since the birth of christ was made in the 20th century .