Elon musk is not , to paraphrase james watson 's bon mot about francis crick , a man given to modest moods .
They will , in particular , point to the private ventures of people like elon musk in america and sir richard branson in britain , who hope to make human space flight commercially viable .
The other was that an equally upstart american entrepreneur called elon musk , flush from his sale of paypal , created a company called spacex ( whose falcon rocket is pictured above , dropping its first stage on its way into orbit ) .
Elon musk , founder of paypal , says the world is getter better , but we need to take certain actions to accelerate the change toward innovation for better energy technology . A panel of innovators speak with alan murray at wsj 's 2012 eco : nomics conference .
Elyakim levanon the chief rabbi of the elon moreh settlement near nablus says that orthodox soldiers should prefer to face a " firing squad " rather than sit through events at which women sing and has forbidden women to run for public office because " the husband presents the family 's opinion . "
There , he was met with news that his support in the state has inched higher but that more residents still disapprove of how he is handling his job and the economy than approve of it , according to a poll by elon university and the charlotte observer newspaper .