Obviously , planning and research does play an important role but you have to take off sometime .
The damage caused by a male partner 's presence in the labour suite was sometime long-term , he said .
If the idea of addiction as a chronic disease has been slow to take hold in medical circles , it could be because doctors sometime struggle to grasp brain function , dr. volkow said .
Sometime my articles do get censored , but besides those who advocate policy changes and democratic reform , the government actually doesn 't often control or censor writers .
It was sometime around your 15th or 16th birthday when I was walloped by a realization : you still needed my guidance , yes , and some oversight , sure , but the deep-in-the-muck , down and dirty raising of you was done .
This is often the case with these commissions that a final report is sometime away , probably far away from when we , of course , suffered such a blow in our financial markets .
But does this belief , allied with his strong views on management , lead to a cult-like atmosphere at the company - a charge sometime levelled at koch industries ?
Never mind that I don 't understand how a savings bond works , or that for sometime I believed that a " bear market " referred to the trade of grizzly pelts .
Sometime you can also sleep with your child and hugged him .
Sometime we may want to limit the amount of time that your children using the computer .