
[wɪðˈdrɔəl, wɪθ-]

withdrawal 变化形式
复数: withdrawals
易混淆的单词: Withdrawal
withdrawal 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Colonel qaddafi called his withdrawal tactical .
- 卡扎菲声称其是战略性撤退。
- Most tory mps do not favour outright withdrawal .
- 大部分保守党议员并不喜欢完全撤退。
- Its commanders said it was a tactical withdrawal .
- 其指挥官说这是一次战术撤退。
- Most observers will treat this as the beginning of an inexorable withdrawal .
- 大多数观察家都会视其为一场不可阻挡的撤退的开端。
- That withdrawal was preceded by years of ultimately fruitless diplomacy .
- 因为那样的撤退在前,最终的无果的外交努力在后。
- In many ways , separation appears to resemble drug withdrawal .
- 分离后的表现在许多方面都类似于毒品戒断。
- Normally rats like to explore their environment , but the rats in sugar withdrawal were too anxious to explore .
- 正常的大鼠喜欢探索它们的环境,但出现糖戒断症状的则显得过于焦虑以致无法探险。
- Although antidepressants are not habitforming or addictive , abruptly ending an antidepressant can cause withdrawal symptoms or lead to a relapse .
- 虽然抗抑郁药物不会习惯化或成瘾,但是骤然停药可以引起戒断症状或导致复发。
- This may cheer taxpayers , but the withdrawal of capital may also hurt lending .
- 这也许会让纳税者为之一振,但资本的撤回也会伤及借贷。
- The obama administration 's explicit reorientation towards asia and military withdrawal from europe is eroding old atlanticist loyalties .
- 奥巴马政府的对亚洲清晰的再定位和从欧洲撤回军事力量是在消磨老大西洋主义者的忠心。