
n.(自发组织的)治安团体的成员( vigilante的名词复数 )
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- There has been a spate of unsolved killings of gypsies , which has been widely blamed on rightwing vigilantes .
- 现在尚未破获的杀害吉普赛人案件泛滥,这些案件被广泛指责系右翼治安队员所为。
- How do the vigilantes know where the robbery crews will strike ?
- 义警是怎么知道盗窃团伙的偷盗地点的?
- Rising rates are guaranteed to touch off a round of hand-wringing over the threat of inflation and / or the looming descent of the bond vigilantes . One should approach such worrying cautiously .
- 攀升的利率保证能触发一轮对于通胀威胁或者警惕债券未知前途的恐慌,每个人都应该谨慎地考虑这些忧虑。
- Did you know he was going to call them vigilantes ?
- 你认为他会称他们为义务警察了?
- But eventually , the vigilantes will wake up .
- 但债市“侠客”最终将醒悟过来。
- A mob of hysterical vigilantes .
- 一群歇斯底里大发作的私刑行动分子。
- Groups of vigilantes were organized in other western cities too .
- vigilantes小组也在其他西部城市组织起来。
- The guardian angels are a group of vigilantes who try to prevent crime on the new york subway .
- 守护天使组织是一群警戒行动者,他们致力于阴止纽约地铁的犯罪行为。
- We 're going to have more and more vigilantes coming here to do it themselves .
- 我们得让这些自愿者孤独的做着这一切。
- Nor are there real obstacles to government action : both the bond vigilantes and structural unemployment exist only in the imaginations of pundits .
- 也不存在政府采取行动方面的真正的障碍:债券义和拳也罢,机构性失业也罢,统统属于专家们的想象。