
[ˈblækˌbɔrd, -ˌbord]

blackboard 变化形式
复数: blackboards

blackboard 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- That 's why he was scribbling old words on the blackboard , if only for his eyes alone .
- 这就是为什么他要一次次在黑板上鬼画那些陈词滥调,要是只是写给他自己看的就好了。
- Consider using a flip chart , overhead projector or a blackboard .
- 可以考虑利用一个活动挂图,投影仪或者一个黑板。
- Allan stood in front of the blackboard and started to write .
- 艾伦站在黑板前,开始写。
- I got up from my desk and hurried to the blackboard .
- 我从座位上站起来,迅速走向黑板。
- After I read the menu on the blackboard I ordered a bowl of noodle with pork liver .
- 我看着黑板上的供应内容,买了一碗猪肝面。
- I want to write on the blackboard , so I have to wipe all the words here out .
- 我想在黑板上写字,所以我必须把上面的单词都擦去。
- The videos provide one-on-one tutoring via an online electronic blackboard that can be paused so students can learn at their own pace .
- 录像带通过能够暂停从而学生可以按自己的节奏进行学习的在线电子黑板提供一对一的辅导。
- In jiashan township , the mayor shows off a large blackboard advertising the material progress made by the district 's 24000 people .
- 在家山镇,镇长展示着一块大大的黑板,宣传着由24000人民创造的物质生活的改善。
- One afternoon a guy from the lab went to the blackboard and was explaining to the three of us freshmen what this machine did .
- 一天下午,实验室里的一个家伙走到黑板前,给我们三个大一新生解释了那台计算机能做些什么。
- Farmers are racked by taxes . Another of the blackboard 's bold claims is an annual average household income in the district of 2200 yuan .
- 农民们都被税务折磨着,而另外一个黑板上却宣告平均每年每户收入2200元。