

traditionally 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- European elections are traditionally dull affairs .
- 欧洲的大选传统上是沉闷的。
- The priorities had traditionally been safety and liquidity .
- 传统上的首要目标是安全性和流动性。
- Traditionally people don 't like to criticize , either .
- 传统上来说,人们也不喜欢批评。
- Margins are traditionally weaker in the first quarter .
- 传统上,第一季度的利润率都比较低。
- Women have traditionally traded looks for economic support in marriage .
- 女性传统上婚姻中为了经济支援以外貌做交易。
- The threat of murder hangs over the traditionally tolerant country .
- 谋杀的威胁笼罩着这个传统上很宽容的国家。
- Traditionally , elite britons then leave education aged 21 .
- 传统上,英国精英在21岁时就会结束教育。
- Traditionally , these get-togethers were held every five years or so .
- 传统上,每大约五年举行一次大会。
- Japan , south korea and singapore have traditionally favoured republicans .
- 日本、韩国和新加坡传统上都是支持共和党的。
- Scientists have traditionally considered talking and listening to be two independent processes .
- 科学家传统上认为说话和倾听是两个独立的过程。