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- Shafer tells the taunton daily gazette the lack of employers means the task force won 't have enough money to properly advertise the fair .
- 沙佛告诉陶顿每日公报由于需要招聘的公司少了,所以该项目也无法筹集到足够的钱,为招聘会做广告。
- I 'm glad that , after I became president , I got to meet the grown-up larry taunton and his children .
- 让我高兴的是,在我成为总统后,有机会见到了成年的拉里.汤顿和他的子女。
- The retired salesman , from taunton , somerset , fitted the telephone box with a porcelain lavatory pan , hand basin , high-level cistern , frosted glass panes , a heater and a red tennis ball on the end of the lavatory chain .
- 来自萨默塞特郡陶顿的退休推销员约翰?朗在电话亭中安装了一个陶瓷马桶、一个洗手盆、一个高位水箱、磨砂玻璃板、和一个热水器,此外还在冲水绳的末端系了一个红色网球。
- Poet laureate carol ann duffy is appearing today in the steyning bookshop in west sussex , queen of romantic fiction katie fforde will be at brendon books in taunton tomorrow , and former children 's laureate michael morpurgo has lined up a visit to edinburgh 's mainstreet trading company later this week .
- 著名诗人卡萝安达菲今天出席了西萨塞克斯郡steyning书店的活动,爱情小说之后卡蒂福德明天也会出席明天在陶顿市的布兰登书店的活动,儿童文学大师迈克莫波格也将在本周晚些时候访问爱丁堡大街贸易公司。