

tote 变化形式
复数: totes
第三人称单数: totes
过去式: toted
过去分词: toted
现在分词: toting
易混淆的单词: TOTE
tote 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- And you can 't tote that laptop to the beach .
- 而且你也不能把笔记本手提包带到海滩。
- California baby newborn tote gift set .
- 加州宝贝新生婴儿礼品套装手提包。
- Digital humidistat maintains desired humidity level ; tote away tank .
- 数字湿度保持理想的湿度水平;手提包走罐。
- The glossy nancy gonzalez crocodile tote in harrods , which beckons to me on a weekly basis , would certainly look even better in a few decades .
- 哈罗德(harrods)里漂亮的nancygonzalez鳄鱼皮手提包,每周都会诱惑我一次,几十年后它肯定会看起来更棒。
- How much is this velvet tote ?
- 这个丝绒手袋多少钱?
- Sydney love cats and dogs nylon rip stop big tote bag 90901 .
- 悉尼爱猫狗尼龙瑞普停止大手提包90901优惠精选。
- Even the tote based its online services offshore just before its sale .
- 就算是tote,也早在出售业务前把网上博彩交易服务转到英国境外。
- Live life to the juiciest with our sweet logo tote .
- 活到我们的标志提包最精采的甜蜜。
- You tote it real straight , now , you hear ?
- 你一直拿着,听到了吗?
- Oh yeah like anyone wants your fake prada tote .
- 以为我看上你的假普拉达皮包?