

totemic 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- The programme is not just a means to an end but also a totemic political issue .
- 该项目不仅仅是一种发展航空业的手段,而且还是一个有象征意义的政治问题。
- The religion of ancient egypt emerged from the worship of tribal deities represented as totemic animals .
- 古埃及的宗教信仰产生于对以图腾动物为代表的部落神的膜拜。
- But even if the boj 's action has little impact on the world economy , it has a totemic significance for japan itself .
- 但即便日本央行的行动对世界经济的影响甚微,它对于日本自身也具有重要的象征意义。
- Killing off fptp quickly became a totemic goal for many lib dems , who are not enjoying coalition with the tories .
- 消灭fptp很快成为自民党广大党员的图腾般的目标,他们不喜欢和托利党共组联合政府。
- Aung san suu kyi , the totemic opposition leader , was released in november .
- 标杆人物反对党领导人昂山素季(aungsansuukyi)去年11月获释。
- The range of tremor totem with totemic mastery is now properly reflected in the tooltip .
- 图腾掌握天赋后战栗图腾的距离会正确显示。
- Apple is an iconic brand . Now it is a totemic investment , too
- 苹果是一个标志性的品牌,现在,它又是一个向往和崇拜的投资项目。
- Keeping the totemic refi rate above zero may be seen as necessary to prevent inflation expectations from drifting up .
- 将标志性的再融资利率保持在零上水平,这种做法对于防止通胀预期上升很有必要。
- The animals might be mythical characters , symbolic scapegoats , tribal families , mnemonic devices , or perhaps totemic scarecrows , guarding the pillars from evil .
- 那些动物也许是神话人物、象征性的替罪羊、部落家族、记忆工具或者干脆就是图腾稻草人,防止这些石柱被邪恶势力侵袭。
- " Transcircle 1.1 " is supposed to represent a sacred circle of nine totemic objects , like an acrylic avebury .
- “原始之韵(transcircle)1.1”意在表现九个图腾形成的圣圈,就像一个有机玻璃做的埃夫伯里石圈。