
n.(尤指职业的)足球运动员( footballer的名词复数 )
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- None of the participants play in the americas : latin america is football-mad too-but is also a big exporter of footballers .
- 但没有非洲球员在美洲踢球:拉丁美洲的足球同样疯狂同样是重要的球员输出地。
- Most first-class footballers are natural athletes .
- 多数一流的足球运动员都是天生的运动健将。
- According to mr bloomfield , there are 80 senegalese footballers playing professionally in france .
- 据布卢姆菲尔德所称,已有80名塞内加尔足球运动员在法国踢职业球赛。
- Being older seems to convey lasting benefits in sports : an unusual number of international footballers are old for their year , for instance .
- 年龄大些似乎在运动上传达了长久的受惠:例如,特别多国际足球运动员的上学年龄偏大。
- Basement companies refuse to name names , but admit creating mega-basements for top-end bankers , business magnates , footballers and film stars .
- 地下室建筑公司拒绝透露客户姓名,但它们承认曾为顶级银行家、商界巨头、足球运动员和电影明星打造过超大型地下室。
- Even taking drugs does not appear to be much help for footballers .
- 对于足球选手来说,甚至服用违禁药品也不见得有多大帮助。
- Outside their club commitments , most footballers this year are interested chiefly in the european championship and early qualifying rounds for the world cup in 2014 .
- 除了为各自的俱乐部出力,今年大多数足球球员的注意力主要摆在欧锦赛和2014年世界杯的外围赛。
- Reports of defections suggest that the regime is being whittled away . The latest renegades included 17 footballers .
- 那些对叛变者的报导是卡扎菲政权正在不断消减的最好证明,最近的叛变者包括17名足球队员。
- It was almost a relief when british newspapers reported that italy 's star footballers were threatening to strike rather than pay a wealth tax .
- 当英国报纸报道,意大利的足球明星威胁要进行罢工,而不是缴纳财产税时,这几乎成了一种安慰。
- Relatively undignified as it is , football offers grounds for hope here : beloved black footballers have probably done more for race relations in britain than many decrees and activists .
- 相对有尊严的是,足球在这里带来了希望:黑人足球人员可能在种族关系上做的比乏力和活动家做的更好。