

Appalachian 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- If you were walking along the appalachian trail , what are the odds the first person you came across was your same age and was born a day before you ?
- 如果你在阿帕拉契小径上散步,你第一个遇到的人和你同岁而且恰好比你大一天的概率有多大?
- The appalachian mountain shadows reached out like fingers , and she searched there for movement , any sign that people were watching .
- 阿帕拉契亚山的阴影象手指般延伸,她向那儿巡视了一会儿,寻找是否有人观望的迹象。
- A few months ago over the summer , I was sitting in a hiker shelter watching dusk slowly creep over the appalachian wilderness .
- 几个月前的那个夏季时节,我坐在一个健行者的山屋看着尘埃缓缓地落在阿帕拉契山的荒野中。
- The appalachian coal belt in the u.s. is suffering , as prices for top-grade metallurgical coal have nearly halved since early 2011 .
- 高等级焦煤的价格已较2011年年初跌去将近一半,所以美国阿巴拉契亚煤矿带的日子非常难过。
- For the most part the uplift of the appalachian mountains ended about 250 million years ago .
- 阿巴拉契亚山脉的隆起,在大多数情况下,约在2.5亿年前就完成了。
- I am now about to enter pennsylvania ; and the appalachian mountains lie ahead .
- 我现在就要进入宾夕法尼亚州了,阿巴拉契亚山脉就横贯在前面。
- Appalachian spring billy the kid danzon cubano el salon mexico .
- 阿巴拉契亚春天组曲比利小子古巴舞曲墨西哥沙龙。
- The british proclamation of 1763 designated the region between the appalachian mountains and the mississippi river as indian territory .
- 《不列颠1763年公告》将阿帕拉契山脉与密西西比河之间的区域划为印第安人保护区。
- Olivia church of boone , a member of ghostly appalachian paranormal society , made her fifth visit to the inn .
- 来自布恩的奥利维亚邱奇是阿巴拉契亚幽灵超自然协会的会员,这是她第五次造访这家旅馆。
- A bigger worry for mr obama ought to becoal , again concentrated in the poorer appalachian east of the state .
- 奥巴马更为担心的是煤炭问题,这让人们又一次将焦点集中在了俄亥俄州东部的阿巴拉契亚山脉。