

n.(书信或贺卡等中的)祝愿( wish的名词复数 );渴望;希望的事;许愿
v.<正>希望,想要,但愿( wish的第三人称单数 );祝愿;盼望,企求,想要

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I also know that dreams really do come true and you have my best wishes and my best efforts in those .
The quilt was filled with their well wishes and served as their own special way to cover their sick friend with love .
You claim you can grant wishes , yet you admit you 've been confined in a small lamp for thousands of years .
Traditionally , such toasts are warm , funny , heartfelt expressions of good wishes delivered by the best man , usually the groom 's closest friend .
What a charming moonlight tonight ! In this beautiful silver lake lakeside , wishes everybody to be able to have relaxed joyful days , communicate mutually , understand mutually , and promote the friendship .
When you take leave tomorrow , or maybe today , please check that you 've brought with you all the happiness , strength , and good wishes this lychee campus has to offer , and thrown vexations , fears and gloom into the wind .
State media emphasised the presence of foreign officials at the theme park opening , saying mr kim and his wife " shook hands with the diplomatic envoys ...... as they extended warm congratulations and best wishes , and talked with them in an amicable and friendly atmosphere " .
Please convey my best wishes to him .
And then the children remembered that martha couldn 't see the wishes .
Deputy prime minister nick clegg and his wife miriam also sent their best wishes .