

appalling 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- The tales recounted suggest a population subjugated by a regime well versed in appalling brutality .
- 叙述的故事表明被一个政权征服的群体精通于骇人听闻的暴行。
- But this way of liberalising higher education offers an appalling prospect .
- 然而,这个使高等教育自由化的办法却有可怕的一面。
- In the meantime , another appalling phenomenon among eating disorders is also on the rise : obesity .
- 与此同时,和饮食紊乱的另一个可怕的问题显现了出来,肥胖。
- On one thing , everyone agrees : the consequences of a big earthquake would be appalling .
- 大家都认可的一点是:大地震带来的后果将是十分可怕的。
- I asked -- an appalling attitude I 'd found in my research -- keeping my face as flat as possible .
- 我问道这是在我的研究中发现的一种可怕的态度尽量让我的脸保持平静。
- But it is usually a bad idea to draft legislation in response to dreadful pictures and appalling events .
- 但是,针对可怕的画面和骇人的事件马上起草相应法规,往往是个糟糕的想法。
- Action was needed to make the uk 's " appalling diagnosis " rates as good as those elsewhere , she added .
- 要使英国的“骇人的诊断”率像其他地方一样好需要更多行动,她补充道。
- Many purists thought simplifying characters as appalling as eliminating them .
- 许多纯粹主义者觉得简化汉字和抹除它们一样得骇人听闻。
- Such expansion created a nasty urban environment in which living conditions were appalling .
- 这样的扩张让城市环境极其糟糕,生活条件也恶劣到骇人听闻。
- For west bengal , this adds to the state 's already appalling health and safety record .
- 对西孟加拉邦来说,这令该邦已经骇人听闻的健康和安全记录更显恶劣。