cy 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Retirement gave former cy young award-winning pitcher jack mcdowell the chance to explore music .
- 退役给了前赛扬奖获得者投手杰克麦克道尔一个探索音乐的机会。
- Two canadian executives , sarkis yacoubian and cy tokmakjian , have met a similar fate .
- 两名加拿大管理人员,sarkisyacoubian和cytokmakjian也有类似的遭遇。
- The results of the al cy young award balloting , where wang did not receive even one vote , were surprising .
- 美联的赛扬票选结果公布,而小王居然连一票也没有的时候,这真的是令人很惊讶的。
- Leung chun-ying gbm , gbs , jp ( born 12 august 1954 ) , commonly known as cy leung , is the chief executive and president of the executive council of hong kong .
- 梁振英,gbm,gbs,jp(生于1954年8月12日),通常被称为cy梁,是现任香港的最高执行长官和香港执行委员会主席。
- Cy : should be send booking before 15 days cargo ready date to confirm .
- 柜货:须在货物完成日前15天发订舱单确认。
- And cy cummings has even turned high episcopal for her .
- 为了她,赛卡明斯还讲了圣公会。
- Alternatively , epic and three other privacy groups have asked the court to redetermine cy pres recipients using transparent , open-application procedures .
- 电子隐私信息中心和其他三家关注网络隐私的组织要求法院采取透明的、公开审请的程序,来确定近似罚金的受益人。
- Invoking the cy pres doctrine , courts granted its request , finding that doing so would carry out roosevelt 's original intent as closely as possible .
- 法庭认为,畸型儿基金会的这种做法非常近似罗斯福总统的初衷,因而引用了近似罚金原则,同意了该基金会的请求,
- Giving cy pres money to the eff makes sense , the parties in each case have argued , because digital privacy issues are one of the subjects the eff monitors .
- 两起案件的原、被告双方均认为,向电子前沿基金会支付近似罚金是合理的,因为数码隐私问题恰好是这个基金会监督的问题之一。
- Critics have referred to cy pres awards as judicial " slush funds , " since judges , plaintiffs lawyers , and — as the google buzz and sponsored stories cases suggest — even defendants can use them to further their own agendas .
- 有些批评人士认为,近似罚金可能变成合法的“行贿基金”,因为无论是法官、原告律师,甚至连被告人都可以利用这笔钱进一步做有利于自己的事。