
v.预示,是…的先兆( foreshadow的第三人称单数 )
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- A warning today from the un 's food and agricultural organisation of higher food prices for 2011 foreshadows tougher times ahead .
- 联合国粮农组织(foodandagricultureorganisation)今天发布的有关2011年食品价格将会上涨的警告,预示着未来的日子将更加艰难。
- The pact sounds technical , but it foreshadows something much bigger : a closer integration of the euro zone that could hold threats for the entire eu .
- 这项协议听上去很有技术性,但是它预示着一个更严重的问题:进一步一体化的欧元区可能会威胁到整个欧盟。
- " Defiled food " foreshadows the hardship of life .
- 不洁食物预表生活的艰难。
- The same name poem novel written by pushkin stands out as the notable landmarks in the literary history foreshadows an artistic basic for the creation of the opera .
- 普希金在文学史上具有里程碑意义的同名诗体小说,为歌剧的创作铺垫了雄厚的艺术土壤。
- Rapid credit growth " often foreshadows a financial crisis " , the bank for international settlements ( bis ) warned in its annual report this month .
- 国际清算银行(bis)在本月发布的年度报告中警告称,信贷规模快速增长“通常是金融危机的先兆”。
- The uncertainty surrounding their status foreshadows difficulties to come , as there is a sense of illegitimacy lingering in their relationship .
- 不确定性的地位预示困难来,因为有这样一种感觉私挥之不去的关系。
- The mounting crisis in southeast asia foreshadows bankruptcies and delinquencies on a chilling scale .
- 日益严重的危机,在东南亚,预示着破产和拖欠就不寒而栗规模。
- Potsdam declaration foreshadows the creation of an international war crimes tribunal for japanese and german war criminals and further defines crimes against peace , war crimes and crimes against humanity .
- 开罗、莫斯科、波斯坦宣言确认日本和德国在二次世界大战所犯的侵略、战争、反人道、反和平之罪行。
- We submit this report with confidence that the legacy of our past efforts to embrace and actualize universal rights foreshadows our continued success .
- 我们提交这份报告,坚信我们过去信奉和实践普遍人权的不懈努力将预示我们继续获得成功。
- In a war whose ending foreshadows the next 2000 years of french history , france is conquered by of all things , an italian .
- 在这场预示着此后2000多年的法国历史的战争中,整个法国输给了1个意大利人。