
foreseeing 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- True wisdom consists not only in seeing what is before your eyes , but in foreseeing what is to come .
- 真正的智慧不仅仅在于能看到你眼前的事物,还在于能够预见将要发生的事情。
- Feel the joy and restfulness in foreseeing the certain accomplishment of your desire .
- 通过预见你所祈望的某个愿望得以实现,感受其带来的欢乐和愉快。
- Foreseeing a catastrophe ahead , the risk officer proposes shutting down the mortgage business , but his boss threatens to sack him on the spot .
- 首席风险官预见到未来的倒闭风险,建议叫停抵押贷款业务,但他的老板以当场炒他鱿鱼相要挟。
- The main cause of failure is foreseeing the unforeseeable game results .
- 失败的主要原因是提前预测了不可预测的博弈结果。
- Great master knows not only foreseeing the future , but also enjoying the life . Kangpai-the advocator of luxury in spirit .
- 大家,不仅高瞻远瞩,还懂得品享生活。康派,精神奢华的倡导者。
- Policymakers in europe have had equal problems in foreseeing events .
- 欧洲政策制定者在预测上也是半斤八两。
- I understand , and foreseeing that such might be the case , I took , in spite of my ignorance of affairs , certain precautions .
- 这种事很简单。我早就想到了有那种可能性,我虽然不是个商人,倒也采取了一些预防措施。
- Michael glos , economics minister , said : " we are foreseeing an improvement by the middle of the year . "
- 德国经济部长迈克尔格罗斯(michaelglos)表示:“我们预计在今年年中之前会出现好转。”
- The lord , foreseeing the misery that would come , took pity on them and granted their wish .
- 上帝预见到人类的苦难,可怜他们,答应了这一请求。
- It is the outcome of a historic process in which many individuals participated without foreseeing what the ultimate product of their labors was to be .
- 它是历史发展过程的产物,在此过程中有许多人参加进来了,而同时又不曾预见到他们各自的劳动的最终产物是什么。