
v.思索,猜测,推测( speculate的过去式和过去分词 );投机
speculated 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- An interesting ( relatively ) new paper suggests that interest-only mortgages were the key means through which participants in housing markets speculated on rising prices .
- 一篇有趣的(相对而言)新论文表明,仅付息按揭是住房市场参与者对价格上涨进行投机的主要工具。
- Harold wilson , a british prime minister , used to fulminate against the " gnomes of zurich " who speculated against the pound .
- 英国时任首相哈罗德威尔逊曾强烈谴责“瑞士大银行家”,因为他们投机英镑。
- But in recent months , these companies have fallen behind as a massive number of new retail investors poured into the market and speculated on small , low quality companies with little underlying value .
- 但在近几个月,这些公司的涨幅开始落后,因为大量的新散户投资者开始入市,而且开始对小盘、绩差、没有多少投资价值的公司进行投机。
- The researchers speculated that color tv might play a role in the generational difference .
- 研究者推测,几代人之间的这个区别,可能是因为彩色电视机在发挥作用。
- The researchers speculated that guys look at women 's faces to gauge how turned on they are .
- 研究者推测,男人通过观察女人的脸部来估量她们是有多性奋。
- The days when people speculated that the twin departures from office of vladimir putin and george bush might help to improve relations have long gone .
- 人们原本猜测美俄在现任总统相继离职后,两国关系将会有所缓和,但是这样的日子已经一去不复返。
- The company called it a cyberweapon and speculated that it was related to stuxnet .
- 卡巴斯基公司称之为计算机武器,并认为其跟stuxnet病毒有关系。
- They speculated that during each visit , surfers access all the new articles that appeared since their last visit .
- 他们统计了在每次访问期间,网上冲浪者访问的在他们最后一次访问网站之后出现的所有新文章。
- At the time , some speculated if the facebook experience would cause future new issuers to choose the new york stock exchange .
- 当时,有人预计,Facebook的遭遇会让今后的新发行商选择纽约股票交易所挂牌上市。
- Some have speculated that physical stores could help consumers experience google-made products first-hand , much like apple 's ( aapl ) retail stores helped turbocharge its epic turnaround . "
- 有人猜测,实体店可以帮助消费者亲身体验谷歌制造的产品,就像苹果的零售店促成该公司逆转局势、大获成功一样。