
v.思索,猜测,推测( speculate的第三人称单数 );投机
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- In a few years , dr belcher speculates , it may be possible to build a prototype machine to split water efficiently using sunlight .
- 贝尔切博士推测在几年内,就有可能建造出一台能够高效利用阳光来分解水的原型工作机。
- Mr ross speculates that this might be because , having seen their wives go through childbirth , they start to respect women more .
- ross先生猜测,这可能是因为刚刚看到妻子经历分娩,老板开始更加尊重妇女的原因。
- The invisibility of " galaxy x " - as the purported body has been dubbed-may be due less to its apparent status as a dwarf galaxy than to its murky location and its overwhelming amount of dark matter , astronomer sukanya chakrabarti speculates .
- 天文学家sukanyachakrabarti猜测,对于这个被称为x星系的传说中的天体团的不可见性,更多的是由于其处于阴暗的位置以及内部存在大量的暗物质,而不是由于它作为一个暗星系的表面特征。
- Tim wu at columbia law school speculates that video-hosting services may one day ask committees of users to decide whether to allow sensitive footage to be shown in their countries .
- 哥伦比亚大学法学院的蒂姆吴推测,有一天视频托管服务可能会要求用户委员会决定是否让敏感的片段在他们的国家出现。
- Nick pearce , of the institute for public policy research , speculates that previous bouts of widespread rioting , such as in 1981 , demanded a response because they were fuelled by racial grievances .
- 公共政策研究所(ippr)的尼克皮尔斯(nickpearce)推断,之前大规模的骚乱,如1981年,是因为受了种族不满的刺激,人们要求一个回应。
- But if too many people speculates , they all buy food in fall , the food price will be artificially raised even higher than that in spring .
- 可是如果投机的人太多,大家都在秋季买进,就会人为地抬高秋季的粮价,甚至抬得比春季更高。
- Perhaps easy access to fast food leads to increased consumption of the greasy goods , upping the likelihood of stroke by clogging arteries , morgenstern speculates .
- 作为推测,他猜想可能是离快餐店近会促使人们经常光顾,从而油腻食品吃的多,这就增加了血管堵塞引发中风的可能性。
- This added sensitivity she speculates could mean that people who are reserved have an ability to respond quickly to situations-such as coming to your aid in a moment of need-or show unusual empathy to a friend due to their strong emotional antennae .
- 她推断,这增加了敏感性,可能意味着含蓄的人拥有对情况作出快速反应的能力比如在急需的时候助你一臂之力,或对朋友展现出非同寻常的同理心,这都是源于他们强烈的情感直觉。
- Or , it tentatively speculates , it could be some deeper sociological reason : perhaps japan 's long-suffering fairer sex is losing interest in the current crop of herbivorous men ?
- 或者,暂时的推测,可能是因为社会学上的原因:或许日本长期的性别公平而对当前食草男的减少失去兴趣?
- She speculates that the abilities of savants in areas that neurotypicals tend to find pointless or boring may result from an ability to see differences where a neurotypical would see only similarities .
- 她推测,在普通人认为毫无意义或者无聊的领域中,这些人能具有杰出能力是因为他们能够看到其中的差异,而普通人只能看到共性。