
v.使(某事物)简单[简明],简化( simplify的第三人称单数 )
simplifies 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- This marriage rather simplifies matters .
- 结了婚倒使事情简单化了。
- A touch-screen keyboard simplifies writing messages and setting up accounts .
- 触摸屏键盘也让编写消息和账户设置的工作得以简化。
- This simplifies the learning process a lot .
- 这个学习过程简单化不少.
- Of course this study simplifies a mass of psychological complexity .
- 当然这个实验简化了大量的复杂心理过程。
- Experts call it a combination of the russian and u.s. fifth-generation fighters , but that greatly simplifies matters .
- 专家们认为这是俄美战机的结合品,但这样说太简单化了。
- Aiming at the motion driving of the electric fork lift truck , a set of new direct driving strategy is put forward , which then greatly simplifies the structure of the electric fork lift truck and improve the driving efficiency and sensitivity .
- 针对电动叉车的行走驱动提出1套全新的直接驱动策略,使电动叉车的结构最简单化,驱动效率和灵敏度大大提高。
- Amazon , on the other hand , simplifies the process for registered and new customers .
- 另一方面,亚马逊的表单把注册用户和新用户合二为一了。
- Connectors integrated on module simplifies product design .
- 在模块上集成了接口方便产品设计。
- The fiber-delivered laser is solid-state , which simplifies maintenance and integration .
- 光纤传导激光是固态激光,易于维护和集成。
- In proportion as he simplifies his life , the laws of the universe will appear less complex , and solitude will not be solitude , nor poverty poverty , nor weakness weakness .
- 他自己的生活越简单,宇宙的法则也就越不复杂,孤独不再是孤独,贫穷不再是贫穷,软弱不再是软弱。