
n.单纯化,简单化( simplification的名词复数 )
simplifications 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- The models are dramatic simplifications , designed to give some small quantitative purchase on problems that would otherwise be intractable .
- 模型对现实世界进行了极大的简化,旨在让人们对原本不可理解的问题获得一点点量化的认识。
- The calendar of ganareth exists in multiple versions , the most recent ones being only simplifications of the original calendar that was established during the big war .
- 加纳内斯大陆既存的日历有多个版本,最近的版本是在大战争时期确立的,它简化于原始的日历。
- That is when it is easiest to lose sight of where the simplifications end and the real world begins .
- 此时,我们最容易忽视模型与现实的差别。
- People readily accept machines and cartoons that are simplifications or distortions of the human form .
- 人们乐意接受那些以人类形式简化或者抽象变形出来的机器和动画形象。
- A more conjunctural tack , confining itself to the political scene since 2000 , involves fewer hazards ; even so , simplifications and short-cuts are scarcely to be avoided .
- 一个权宜之策就是,将分析限定在2000年以来的政治景观中,这样可以包涵更少的风险;即便如此,简化和走捷径依然几乎是不可避免的。
- Instead of programming being simplified to a point where programmers are not needed , public education would be expanded to a point where such simplifications would not be necessary !
- 公共教育将扩展到这种简化已经没有必要的程度,而不是编程简化到不需要程序员的程度!
- Any mathematical model of reality relies on simplifications and assumptions .
- 任何现实的数学模型都依赖于简化和假设。
- These simplifications must be kept in mind in what follows .
- 必须牢记这种简化的后果。
- Alas , both have become more politicized or in need of attention-getting simplifications .
- 唉,它们都变得更加政治化或需要进行明显精简。
- A number of simplifications have been made to the taxation system .
- 税收制度已经历过多次简化。