
v.使(某事物)简单[简明],简化( simplify的现在分词 );单纯化
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- So here are my top 10 tips for simplifying and getting some serenity back in your life .
- 下面有10个小技巧让你的生活变得简约而宁静。
- That 's over simplifying it .
- 那未免过于简单化了。
- Another difficult part about simplifying life is going against social approval .
- 让生活简单化的另一个困难的地方在于得不到社会的赞成。
- This connection makes simplifying life very difficult .
- 这种联系让简化生活变得困难重重。
- On the basis that simplifying eases communication the ines scale runs together scale and consequence-but good policy can to some extent separate them , and in japan it seems to have done so .
- 鉴于精简国际事务分级规模可以使得规模与后果一起运作,好的政策在一定程度上仍然会把两者区分开来,日本方面似乎也确实这样做了。
- This makes climate studies highly dependent on models , which invariably and unavoidably make simplifying assumptions .
- 气候研究很大程度上依靠模型,它始终不可避免假设理论设定的比较简单。
- For example , economists frequently make simplifying assumptions about mathematical form .
- 比如说,经济学家们常常对数据形式作出单一化的推测。
- She writes about simplifying and living life on purpose at be more with less .
- 她在《由少及多》(bemorewithless)一书中讲述了关于简约而有意义的生活。
- When you focus on simplifying your life , you free up energy and time for the work that you enjoy and the purpose for which you are here .
- 生活从简,你就能把精力和时间释放出来,从事你喜欢的工作,为目标奋斗。
- It is hard to find much evidence that retailers are ferociously simplifying their offerings in an effort to boost sales .
- 我们很难找到大量证据,证明零售商在为了提振销售而极力减少产品的提供。