
n.模仿( simulation的名词复数 );模拟;假装;冒充
simulations 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Some simulations show mr lee winning after nine elimination rounds .
- 有模拟选举显示李先生会在九轮竞选后获胜。
- Researchers can use 3d computing to run simulations of pharmaceutical compounds .
- 研究者可以运用三维动画技术对制药化合物进行模拟试验。
- Computer simulations suggest the distress signal should still be capable of being detected .
- 经电脑模拟仿真显示这样的求救信号也可以被测试到。
- Flesh simulations can endow computer-generated characters with realistically bulging muscles and rippling fat .
- 皮肤模拟可以赋予电脑合成人物具有真实感的健壮肌肉或者肥厚脂肪。
- Computer simulations can say only what could have happened , not what did .
- 计算机模拟只能估计过去可能发生过什么,而且不一定准确.
- In simulations run without the auction , some of the ambulances were left standing idle .
- 在未实施竞标方式的模拟实验中,有些救护车被闲置一旁。
- But it is possible to isolate features of interest and examine how they evolve in computer simulations .
- 但是将我们感兴趣的特点隔离,并通过计算机模拟进化是可能的。
- Eth zurich will use the supercomputer for multiscale flow simulations for its research in nanotechnology and fluid dynamics .
- 苏黎世eth将在纳米技术和流体力学研究中使用这些超级计算机进行通用换算流程模拟。
- The implications of the ad hoc , computer-based simulations mr beinhocker recommends are often difficult to understand .
- 对于拜因霍克推荐的电脑模拟方法,人们往往难以理解其中的含义。
- The simulations could also be used to design acoustic instruments calibrated to a specific planet 's atmosphere .
- 这种模拟工作还可以用来设计声音设备,用于校正核对具体星球的大气指标。