

seeker 变化形式
复数: seekers
seeker 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Other topics include delving into personality and determining how likeable the job seeker will be to the staff .
- 其他的话题包括深入探究求职者的性格并确定求职者会否收到职员的喜爱。
- Thrill seeker missing one of the family jewels ?
- 善于寻求刺激还弄丢了一个传家宝?
- Similarly , anyone who comes here as an asylum seeker , student or tourist cannot be prosecuted .
- 同样,到英国来寻求政治避难、求学或者旅游的人也不用担心被起诉。
- Titles and gold are interesting , but my motivations are different . I am a seeker of justice .
- 称号和金钱固然有吸引力,但是我的动机不同,我追寻的是正义。
- Make the way hard for the seeker to tread .
- 使得为搜索者踩踏的道路艰难。
- Sir nicholas : have you heard ? Harry potter 's the new gryffindor seeker . I always knew he 'd do well .
- 尼古拉斯爵士:听说了吗?格兰芬多的新找球手是哈利波特。我早就看出他会有出色的表现。
- The unwary seeker can also become too entranced by expert pronouncements .
- 不设防的快乐追求者可能也会被专家的言论所迷惑。
- Summer is a season to relax , unless you 're a job seeker .
- 夏天是放松的季节,当然如果你正在找工作那就另当别论了。
- The actual north seeking precision has declined significantly due to heading effect of north seeker .
- 在实际寻北过程中,寻北仪航向效应使寻北精度大大下降。
- The first two provide an underlying platform to facilitate communication between the tacit knowledge provider and knowledge seeker .
- 前两种技术提供了一个基础平台,便于默认知识提供者与知识寻找者之间的交流。