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- Al-though concerns have eased that bond insurer downgrades could damage the entire financial system , there remains the potential for individual banks and investors to suffer further pain from ambac and mbia 's problems .
- 虽然有关债券保险商的评级下调会损害整个金融系统的忧虑已有所缓和,但个别银行及投资者仍有可能继续遭受由ambac和mbia的问题带来的痛楚。
- Mbia inc. and ambac financial group inc. are the biggest bond insurers , and both struggled this year to retain their aaa ratings after losses tied to subprime loans .
- 最大的两家债券保险商mbia和ambac今年正因次贷危机带来的损失而为保住aaa评级苦苦挣扎。
- Mbia is trying to separate its public finance business from its structured finance portfolio , the home of its mortgage business .
- mbia正试图将公共财务业务从抵押贷款业务的大本营结构性金融资产组合中分离出来。
- Mr einhorn and mr ackman , for example , have both said they will donate any profits they make from shorting allied and mbia respectively .
- 譬如,埃霍恩和阿克曼都曾表示,将分别把做空联合资本和mbia的所有获利都捐赠出来。
- But on the days when the credit ratings of those derivatives were massively downgraded , the share prices of ambac and mbia barely budged relative to the market .
- 但是,当这些衍生品评级大幅下调时,ambac和mbia的股价较之大盘几乎未有变化。
- The short-seller that infuriated mbia 's management , william ackman of pershing square capital management , was certainly vocal , but nobody doubted that he had done his homework .
- 对冲基金pershingsquarecapitalmanagement的管理人williamackman声称,空头们对mbia公司的管理非常不满,当然这是唱高调,但没有人怀疑他已经作完了自己的功课。
- Hsbc rose 2.2 per cent to hk $ 136.70 as sentiment towards financial stocks was helped by monday 's news of capital injections into ubs and mbia .
- 周一瑞银集团(ubs)和mbia注资的消息提振了金融股的人气,汇丰银行(hsbc)上涨2.2%至136.70港元。
- Moody 's and standard & poor 's reaffirmed their aaa + ratings for mbia , removing the threat of a downgrade to the world 's biggest bond insurer-at least for the moment .
- 穆迪和标准普尔重申对mbia公司的资信等级评定为aaa+,以消除对这家全球最大的债券保险公司降低评级的威胁(目前至少是如此)。
- Another focus of concern is the main us monoline companies such as mbia , ambac and radian , which insure securities , such as municipal or mortgage bonds , which are then sold to a host of mainstream investors .
- 人们担心的另一个焦点是mbia,ambac和radian等美国主要债券保险公司,他们为一些证券(如市政债券或抵押担保债券)提供保险,这些证券随后被出售给大量的主流投资者。
- Setback for bank of america a new york state judge made it easier for the bond insurer mbia to pursue its $ 1.4 billion lawsuit accusing countrywide financial , a unit of bank of america , of fraudulently inducing it to insure risky mortgage-backed securities .
- 美国银行受挫以欺诈手段使其担保风险抵押贷款债券,美国城市债券保险(mbia)求诉美国银行(bankofamerica)的全国金融公司(countrywidefinancial)14亿美元,纽约州法官使美国城市债券更易求诉。