

v.释放( release的现在分词 );放开;发布;发行
releasing 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- It 's a safe bet that most people reading this article wait too long before releasing their software .
- 我敢肯定大多数读这篇文章的人花了太长时间才发行他们的软件。
- Some malaysian environmentalists say releasing such mosquitoes could have unintended consequences .
- 一些马来西亚的环保人士说释放这样的转基因蚊子可能会导致不可预想的后果。
- Besides releasing endorphins , exercise also burns off excess adrenaline and cortisol .
- 除了释放恩多芬,运动还可以燃烧掉多余的肾上腺素和皮质醇。
- The milan prosecutor has decided that the police followed proper procedures in releasing the girl .
- 米兰的检举人已经决定批准警察根据适当的法律程序对那位少女进行了释放。
- Burma on tuesday began releasing prisoners as part of a government-ordered clemency program .
- 缅甸星期二开始释放囚犯,这是缅甸政府下令执行的宽恕行动的一部分。
- That reactor , no. 3 , appeared to be releasing radioactive steam .
- 损坏的三号反应堆已经开始释放出带有放射性物质的蒸汽。
- The group will update the market next spring on plans for releasing value from its property portfolio .
- 该集团将在明春向市场介绍从其房地产资产组合释放价值的最新计划。
- Then your once healthy cell bursts open , releasing new viruses to infect more cells .
- 然后你曾经健康的细胞破裂了,释放出新的病毒去感染更多的细胞。
- The process of sparking and then releasing tension in a woman creates attraction .
- 这种迸发火花和松缓释放的过程在女人心里进行着,如此就产生了两个人的吸引力。
- Under these extreme conditions two protons can fuse together , releasing energy in the process .
- 在这种极端条件下,两个质子可以融合在一起,并释放出能量。