The tevatron , in america , has officially been relegated to second place .
Data -- mostly unstructured -- could then be relegated to the cloud , either manually or with an automated data mover based on aging and access policies .
They will also be able to see the first stars and galaxies that formed in the universe , which are now so old and distant that their light has been relegated to the infra-red part of the spectrum .
The provincial ones should mark a first big step towards empowering the sunni arabs , most of whom boycotted the contest last time round and thus relegated themselves to the sidelines or pushed themselves into the arms of the insurgents .
In such an environment , a foreigner will tend to be marginalized , or perhaps relegated to talking to a junior person on the team who happens to have lived in the u.s. but in truth isn 't privy to strategy or creative discussions .
The palestinians in the street are far from convinced that progress is at hand . In their eyes , the latest stalemate was a matter for israelis and americans to break , with the palestinians relegated to cheering mr obama 's administration from the sidelines .
Until now starbucks has been notably missing from the array of k-cup offerings , because until last year it had a relationship with kraft foods that relegated its coffee to kraft 's less popular t-disc technology .