v.使降级( relegate的现在分词 );使降职;转移;把…归类
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- I will simply point out that twentieth-century physics , too , has progressed decisively by relegating the relevance of certain constituents of its observational and explanatory framework which up to now had held unlimited sway , such as time , space , and causality , to certain clearly delimited areas .
- 我将仅是指出,十九世纪的物理学,也曾经因为放弃它的观察及解释的架构的某些相关成分,而获得突飞猛进。这些架构直到当时曾具有无限的影响力,譬如时间,空间,及因果律,对于某些除掉限制的地区。
- But now , with android os doing so well , steve jobs probably believes that he 's facing microsoft all over again . After all , windows has long dominated on pc desktops , relegating the mac os to a distant second place in the industry .
- 但是现在,随着android操作系统的巨大成功,乔布斯感觉他正面临“另一个微软”的挑战,毕竟在pc桌面市场,windows长期处于主导地位,而苹果的macos被死死摁在行业第二的位置上。
- According to him , the industrial revolution , by turning human labor into a source of power , profit , and capital , had made economic prosperity the central goal of politics , enthroning machinery over men and relegating religion and ethics to irrelevance .
- 根据甘地的说法,工业革命使人类劳动力变成了权力、利益和资本的来源之一,使经济繁荣成为政治的中心目标,使机器凌驾于人之上,使宗教和道德被贬谪成无关紧要的事物。
- These two old fossils also hold most of the take-off and landing slots at mexico city 's main airport , relegating the upstarts to the out-of-town toluca airport ( from which a flight to guadalajara costs more like $ 115 ) .
- 这两个老古董一直把持着墨西哥城主要机场的大部分起飞和降落空位,却把一些航空公司的后起之秀排挤到城外的toluca机场(从那里飞往瓜达拉哈拉的航班票价是115美元)。
- Some public advocates are concerned that such services might quickly transform the largely egalitarian internet into a system that offered first-class service only to the wealthiest players , relegating independent sites to the slow lane .
- 一些大众拥护者关心的是这些服务可能将平等的互联网快速转变为一个只为富有玩家提供头等服务的系统,而那些独立站点则降为慢信道。
- Instead of relegating himself to one media , tuominen employs photography , printmaking , and painting , often mixing the techniques together to conjure the impression of memory .
- 托米能不仅仅局限于一种媒介而是涉及了摄影,版画和绘画,通常混合各种手法来召唤记忆的印象。
- To lincoln , the constitution was of no value if the union it governed came apart , so he positioned himself as its chief arbiter , relegating the other branches of government to supporting roles .
- 对林肯来说,如果联邦破裂,宪法就会失去价值,所以他任命自己为国家首席决策者,把政府的其他机构降低至辅助的角色。
- ( Think of a supermarket that encourages healthy eating by displaying fruits and vegetables in the front of the store while relegating junk food to the back . )
- (比方说一家超市要是想鼓励消费者养成健康的饮食习惯,就可以把水果和蔬菜摆在前排显眼的位置,把垃圾食品摆到后排的角落。)
- Gas prices stay low , relegating evs to niche status .
- 汽油价格会维持在低位运行,将电动车逼入小众市场。
- The group eventually split into three segments , relegating distinct roles and tasks .
- 帮会最终分裂成三个阵营,归入不同的任务和角色。