
n.惨事,灾难( tragedy的名词复数 );悲剧
tragedies 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Now , does this mean god causes tragedies ?
- 那么,这意味着是上帝创造了悲剧么?
- Mercifully , such tragedies are becoming rarer .
- 幸运的是,这一类悲剧正越来越少。
- Happy endings were never much of a feature of classical greek tragedies .
- 大团圆结局向来就不是古希腊悲剧的主要特征。
- Rather , muslims see these kinds of tragedies as a test from god .
- 相反,穆斯林认为这类悲剧是上帝对我们的考验。
- And some of the victims of 911 failures are turning their tragedies into crusades .
- 一些911失误的幸存者正将他们身上发生的悲剧化为抗争行为。
- Despite a recent government crackdown on lax safety practices , the tragedies continue .
- 虽然政府对安全措施不健全的煤窑进行了打击,悲剧依然在上演。
- Over the years , new experiences and tragedies had taken over the rooms where those memories had lived .
- 过去的这些年,新的经历和悲剧已经占据了记忆曾流连的地方。
- Indeed it is one of the tragedies of european history that the world chose not to believe her .
- 事实上,世界不相信撒切尔夫人的预言酿成了欧洲历史上的又一个悲剧。
- It has hardly challenged the european line that controlled defaults are tragedies to be avoided at all costs .
- 该机构几乎没有对欧洲的立场提出异议:即受到控制的违约是必须不惜一切代价加以避免的悲剧。
- Accidents have become common , like the shanghai fire last week or a series of workplace tragedies in recent months .
- 事故将会变得很平常,比如说上海的上周火灾以及在过去几个月内一系列的工作场所悲剧。