
n.商人,贩子( trafficker的名词复数 );做(非法)买卖的人
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- Mexican traffickers use honduras 's wild mosquito coast as a landing point for drug deliveries , a trend that intensified when police and troops were called to the capital following a coup in 2009 .
- 墨西哥的毒贩们将洪都拉斯的莫斯基托海岸作为毒品的交易点,并且这种趋势在2009年当警察和军队被调回首都参与政变活动之后愈演愈烈。
- Human traffickers use the internet to find and lure new victims into modern-day slavery .
- 人贩子利用互联网来寻找及诱拐新的受害者使之沦为现代奴隶。
- Global transfers of young football players can also attract human traffickers , the report said .
- 报告还说,全球范围内年轻球员的转会还会吸引人口贩子。
- Reports circulate of unknown numbers of girls who are drugged , beaten and sometimes killed by traffickers .
- 不计其数的女孩被人贩子教唆着吸毒、殴打有时甚至被杀害,这样的报道广为传播。
- So the traffickers turned to milder ingredients and a new process .
- 所以贩毒者转向更温和的原料和新制造工艺。
- Many of the dead had taken on mexico 's powerful drug traffickers in their reports .
- 许多在墨西哥被杀的记者都在其报道中谈到过该国势力强大的毒品走私分子。
- 13 Drug traffickers were killed .
- 13名贩毒分子被击毙。
- Many traffickers start off as policemen ; the zetas mob began as an elite army unit .
- 很多毒品贩运者出身于警察;墨西哥著名的“齐塔黑帮”原本是军队中的一个精良团队。
- Latin american traffickers are even diversifying into synthetic drugs such as methamphetamine .
- 拉美的走私贩甚至开始贩卖麻黄素等的化学合成药物。
- Prices of illegal drugs are pushed up whenever many drug traffickers are caught and punished harshly . The higher prices they get for drugs help compensate traffickers for the risks of being apprehended .
- 当贩毒者大量被抓和遭到严厉惩处时,非法毒品的价格随即上涨,而更高的毒品价格有助于补偿贩毒者的被抓风险。