
trafficking 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Stamp collectors were suspected of trafficking in secret signs and codes .
- 当时的领导人怀疑集邮者通过秘密符号和代码进行非法交易。
- Law enforcement officers also acknowledge that the definitions of trafficking may need refining .
- 执法官员们也承认,可能需要对非法交易进行重新定义。
- Brittany stahl : tell me about your work fighting human trafficking .
- 布列塔尼斯塔尔:请谈谈你阻止贩卖人口工作的事吧。
- Trafficking represents a new challenge to law enforcement , especially in regions which have traditionally not thought of it as a major problem .
- 非法交易活动对执法机关提出了新的挑战,尤其在那些一般不太重视该问题的地区。
- The crime was horrific , but the distinction between trafficking and simple , sadistic child abuse might not be immediately obvious .
- 这起案件令人发指,但非法交易和简单的虐童行为之间的区别却可能不会立即变得显而易见。
- In 1976 the nordic nations expelled a dozen north korean diplomats for trafficking cigarettes and booze .
- 1976年,北欧国家驱逐了十几名贩运香烟和酒的朝鲜外交官。
- This points to the difficulty of fighting arms trafficking by focusing on the gun shops themselves .
- 这表明,将注意力集中在枪械店铺本身是很难打击贩卖武器行为的。
- We had traveled to the area to document a grim story of human trafficking for current tv .
- 为了给currenttv提供关于严峻的贩卖人口的证据,我们曾经来过这个地方。
- Women are involved in trafficking too , thogh this is less common .
- 同时她们也被卷入人口贩卖这个行列,当然这不是很普遍。
- Partly to allay the previous american administration 's concerns about trafficking , cambodia in february 2008 outlawed prostitution .
- 柬埔寨于2008年2月份宣布卖淫违法,部分是为了响应美国政府对于贩卖人口的关注。