
n.供应( provision的名词复数 );准备;规定;食物和饮料
provisions 食物供给
provisions 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Sometimes , the contracts have confidentiality provisions .
- 有时候合同会有某些保密规定。
- The bolt-on provisions suggest further madrid procrastination .
- 追加规定似乎表明,马德里方面在进一步拖延。
- Revise and improve relevant provisions of the constitution and other important laws .
- 修订和提高有关宪法的规定以及其它重要的法律。
- Parents can hardly ignore provisions of the pending new law .
- 父母不可能不关心这项即将生效的新法的规定。
- Perhaps bracing for further weeks of uncertainty , tokyo residents and others have been stocking up on petrol and provisions .
- 由于未来几星期不明朗的局势,东京和其它地方的居民都开始囤积汽油和粮食了。
- Critics say that the policies lack provisions to protect whistleblowers from retaliation .
- 评论家说这些方针政策缺少保护告密者不被报复的规定。
- The existing provisions would remain only for cases of alleged discrimination or victimisation .
- 现行的规定只对雇主涉嫌歧视和迫害的案件管用。
- The generous provisions of chapter 11 only reinforced a longstanding legal prejudice .
- 第十一章的慷慨规定仅仅加强了一直以来存在的司法偏向。
- What is now needed is better and more effective deposit insurance and bankruptcy provisions .
- 现在需要的是更好、更有效的存款保险制度与破产规定。
- Most individual provisions have majority support , but the fines are unpopular .
- 多数具体条款赢得广泛支持,处罚规定则备受冷落。