He needed time for his plan , so he set up seamus .
I also met seamus heaney , the nobel prizewinning poet whom I 'd quoted in derry the day before .
Knock the bugger bandy , seamus !
Any word on how seamus broke out of prison ?
Seamus asked . " We thought burns had killed you ! "
I love you ! I would die for you , seamus !
Keeping his voice low so as not to wake neville , dean , and seamus , harry told ron exactly what he had heard .
At this point in the story , everyone thinks that sirius is bad , so why would seamus be " excited " that sirius was close , especially with malfoy listening closely ?
Although talaris is designed to try to win the x prize , it could also be used to explore planets like mars-and possibly asteroids too , according to seamus tuohy , draper 's director of space systems .
Poems by thom gunn and w. s. graham , and the contemporary work of seamus heaney and lavinia greenlaw , prove that london is still a rich source of material .