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所属分类: TOEFL

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For the honey bee is not just an essential part of the pollination system : it is a marvel of nature , not to mention one of the most sophisticated creatures on the planet .
Ifthe beekeeper doesn 't charge for pollination or the energy company doesn 't paya pollution tax , the price of honey or power does not reflect its true benefitor cost .
Manyvital crops are dependent on pollination by honeybees , but latestfigures show a third failed to survive the winter in the u.s.
Bee pollination accounts for $ 15 billion in added crop value , particularly for specialty crops such as almonds and other nuts , berries , fruits , and vegetables , according to the u. s. department of agriculture .
Most of the world 's crops depend on pollination by bees . Albert einstein once said that if the bees disappeared , " man would have only four years of life left " .
It will say that saving biodiversity is remarkably cost-effective and the benefits from saving " natural goods and services " , such as pollination , medicines , fertile soils , clean air and water , are between 10 and 100 times the cost of saving the habitats and species that provide them .
If so , farms and agroforests have lost birds that provide important insect-control , pollination and seed-dispersal services .
Now so-called " colony collapse disorder " or ccd continues to kill bees -- who provide some $ 15 billion worth of economic good via pollination and other efforts .
As the production of almonds has grown , the prices that the beekeepers can charge for their pollination services have increased .
Meanwhile , the recent high prices for pollination contracts made it look worthwhile fattening bees up with supplements over the winter . That may help explain why there have been fewer colony collapses .