

v.撒小谎( fib的现在分词 )

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I told him that I ate the whole pie , but I was only fibbing .
But in an age when fibbing on a curriculum vitae is believed to be widely practised , the legal advice was that it would be difficult to dismiss her for lying .
I cantell he 's fibbing because he 's smiling !
But with his big , fat , fibbing budget , obama is making that mess his very own .
The implication of this was clear enough : if barclays was fibbing about its borrowing costs , then other banks had been telling bigger lies .
People who are fibbing - even ' white lies ' such as a few pounds off their weight or a few years off their age - are also less happy about using the pronoun ' I ' .
Some of its employees , in their zeal to win the business of wealthy americans with a predilection for fibbing to the taxman , seem to have confused discretion with spycraft .
So it 's funny , we use cloth diapers for our boys but not because of the landfill pilling up with diapers but for the tons of money not spent on disposable diapers . You 'd think I could claim environmental reasons , but I 'd be fibbing !
Presumably , too , he was fibbing tactfully : the real danger was seen as indonesia , which until recently had been eyeing malaysia and singapore as bits of its territory lopped off by an accident of colonial history .
They drew on psychological studies that show how people speak differently when they are fibbing , testing whether these " tells " were more common during calls to discuss profits that were later " materially restated " , as the euphemism goes .