

soda 变化形式
复数: sodas
易混淆的单词: SodaSODA

soda 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- A smelly shoe or sneaker is no match for the power of baking soda .
- 用小苏打处理一双运动鞋是再轻松不过的了。
- Already depressed , I order a vodka and club soda .
- 感觉到压抑,我叫了一份伏特加和苏打水。
- If there 's an unopened bottle of soda , that obviously goes back .
- 如果那里有一瓶未开封的苏打水,那当然可以放回去。
- This is not to suggest that we should constantly slurp soda to keep our brains functioning optimally .
- 但这并不代表我们应该不断喝苏打水以保持我们的大脑运作最佳。
- The candy eaters unconsciously ate fewer calories overall , but not so the soda drinkers .
- 吃糖果的人无意中吸收的热量较少,但喝苏打水的人却不然。
- Accidents can occur while driving because a soda can rolled under the brake pedal .
- 一个苏打水罐在自行车踏板下滚动就可以引发一场意外。
- So , why blame soda for an epidemic that 's only a few decades old ?
- 所以为什么要把只存在了几十年的流行病归罪于汽水呢?
- Combine peach puree with cooled sugar syrup , club soda and lime juice .
- 把桃泥倒入冷却的糖水中搅拌,加入汽水和柠檬汁。
- I.e. double consumption ! , As they launch a new round of soda wars .
- 即,双消费,如同他们发起了新一轮的汽水大战。
- And diet soda is no better .
- 即使是无糖苏打也是如此。