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- Key parts come from the more established industry names like mitsubishi .
- 关键部件来自三菱(mitsubishi)等牌子更老的企业。
- The nissan leaf , renault zoe and mitsubishi i-miev are among the many contenders .
- 日产的leaf,雷诺的zoe和三菱的i-miev就在众多竞争者中。
- Mitsubishi ufj took a stake in morgan stanley and seized control of an american retail bank .
- 三菱ufj持有摩根斯坦利一些股份,还收购控制了美国的一家零售银行。
- Mitsubishi plans to cease production in the netherlands and saab of sweden has gone out of business .
- 三菱公司计划在荷兰停产,而瑞典的萨博汽车品牌已经退出历史舞台。
- It was first developed by mitsubishi pencil co. , ltd , and named kuru toga .
- 这种铅笔名叫kurutoga,是由三菱铅笔有限公司研发出来的。
- Mitsubishi motors said it would halt operations at all three domestic auto-assembly plants monday and tuesday .
- 三菱汽车公司说,它在日本的全部三座汽车组装厂周一和周二都将暂停运营。
- Japan 's mitsubishi corp is to close its oil derivatives business by march 2012 .
- 日本的三菱集团(mitsubishicorp)将最迟在2012年3月关闭其石油衍生品业务。
- And mitsubishi 's new apwr has passive and active redundant cooling systems .
- 三菱重工(mitsubishi)的新apwr反应堆拥有被动和主动后备冷却系统。
- Those of mitsubishi ufj financial group inc. , japan 's largest lender , dropped 3.7 percent .
- 日本最大银行三菱ufj金融集团(mitsubishiufjfinancialgroupinc.)股价下跌3.7%。
- Its main supplier , mitsubishi gas chemical co. , suspended production in japan on wednesday .
- 其主要供应商三菱瓦斯化学株式会社(mitsubishigaschemicalco.)周三在日本暂停了生产。