


politeness 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- While politeness is important , apologizing just makes it sound weaker .
- 当然,礼貌很重要,但是道歉只能让你显得不坚定。
- There are four main possibilities , given in ascending order of politeness .
- 主要是四种,下面按照礼貌程度顺序分别介绍。
- Given the issues at hand , politeness will only carry things so far .
- 考虑到即将产生的问题,礼貌也只能将事情推动到现在这个形势。
- Germans and americans have a few different standards regarding what constitutes " politeness " .
- 德国和美国对于什么构成了礼貌有着相差无多的标准。
- Compared with other languages , it is sadly limited in the range of possible forms of politeness it offers .
- 跟其他语言相比,英语所能提供的礼貌性称呼的可能形式,范围有限到令人遗憾。
- Unlike the predictions made by messrs cameron and gallagher based on politeness and prejudice mine is backed by solid research .
- 卡梅伦和加拉格尔的预测是出于礼貌和偏见,我的预测则不一样我的预测有可靠的研究做依据。
- Be polite ; write diplomatically ; even in a declaration of war one observes the rules of politeness .
- 要有礼貌;用外交辞令来写;即便是宣战,也要遵守礼貌的规则。
- Your gift can be your smile , a word of thanks or encouragement , a gesture of politeness , even a friendly nod .
- 你的礼物可以是一个微笑,一句感谢或鼓励的话,一个礼貌的手势,甚至是一个友好的点头示意。
- It 's unfair to expect politeness of a child if his parents are not polite themselves .
- 如果父母自己都不礼貌,期望孩子懂礼貌是不公平的。
- But not out of politeness . They do it so friends won 't make fun of them .
- 但他们这样做并不是出于礼貌,而是为了不被朋友取笑。