
n.幻想曲作曲家( fantasist的名词复数 )
fantasists 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- When people are presented with the three human archetypes , most claim to be fantasists .
- 当人们面对这三种类型时,大部分人都自称是幻想者。
- When strivers discover these enclaves and drive up prices , fantasists create more distant enclaves .
- 当拼搏者发现这些小天地,并推高物价后,幻想者就会在更偏远的地方建立小天地。
- There is a delicate balance to be struck between positive thinking and overcaution which can inhibit action . But steer clear of the fantasists whose ambitions wildly exceed their abilities and resources .
- 在乐观的思考与会抑制行动的过分谨慎之间是可以达到一个微妙的平衡的,但要避开那些野心远远超过自身能力和资源的幻想家。
- Meanwhile , august 15th at yasukuni is a bartholomew fair of thugs , fantasists in military garb , deniers of atrocities and xenophobes peddling conspiracy theories .
- 与此同时,8月15日的靖国神社就成了那些穿着皇军军装的狂热分子,否认暴行并兜售阴谋理论者的“天堂”。
- At the edge of consciousness for cults of fantasists , he was the ghost in the machine , blessing attacks on the almost equally imaginary enemy , promising that their lives would become truly real and meaningful at the explosive moment of their deed .
- 对狂热的信徒们来说,在意识的边缘,拉登就像组织中的幽灵,赐福于攻击几乎同样虚幻的敌人的行动,承诺在他们行动中爆炸的那一刻,他们的生命将变得真实而有意义。
- Fantasists are never efficient and always miss deadlines .
- 幻想者从来没有效率,总是错过最后期限。
- Fantasists have little desire to impose themselves on the world .
- 幻想者对于投身现实世界没什么兴趣。
- Those who expect a swift return to the business-as-usual of 2006 are fantasists .
- 那些认为经济会迅速恢复到2006年“常态”的人,是在异想天开。
- Slackers and fantasists must be upset , but unless you read blogs their voices go unheard , and they certainly won 't do anything about it .
- 游手好闲者和幻想者一定满腹怨言,但除非你阅读他们的博客,否则他们的声音不会有人听到,而他们自己显然不会对此采取任何行动。