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- Robert pires has urged chelsea midfielder claude makelele to join him at villarreal .
- 皮雷敦促切尔西的中场马克莱莱加入他所在的维拉雷尔。
- In five years in charge of villarreal , he turned a traditionally small club into a eufa champions league semi-finalists and spanish premier division runners-up .
- 执教比利亚雷亚尔的五年间,他把一家传统的小球会带成了欧冠四强和西甲亚军。
- Villarreal left back juan pablo sorin has praised arsenal fullback ashley cole .
- 比利亚雷尔左后卫索林最近称赞阿森纳的左后卫科尔。
- Valencia , real madrid and villarreal have also been associated with the25-year-old , who has admirers in the premiership too .
- 瓦伦西亚,皇家马德里和维拉雷尔都和这名25岁前锋联系在一起,而在英超也有着他的不少仰慕者。
- The winners of united 's tie with porto will play villarreal or arsenal while chelsea or liverpool will have to find a way past bara or bayern .
- 曼联和波尔图的胜者将与比利亚雷亚尔或阿森纳对垒,而切尔西或利物浦中间的一支必须逾越巴萨和拜仁的胜者。
- Villarreal offered to do the guard of honour , but guardiola didn 't want any european super cup celebrations before the game .
- 比利亚雷亚尔提出为冠军列队,但是瓜迪奥拉不想在比赛前有任何的欧洲超级杯的庆祝。
- Villarreal midfielder marcos senna claims manchester united 's sponsors denied him a move to the premiership giants .
- 维拉里尔中场马科斯塞纳声称曼联的赞助商阻止了他投奔这家英超豪门。
- Villarreal coach manuel pellegrini insists he will be happy to see manchester united target marcos senna remain in spain .
- 维拉利亚的教练马努说他非常希望曼联的引援目标之一塞纳能留在西班牙。
- The game in benfica was always going to be a difficult match , and I think , really , we 'd lost it before that by drawing at home to villarreal and lille and then losing away to lille .
- 在本菲卡的比赛总是很艰难,我想我们在主场被比利亚雷亚尔和里尔逼平的赛事就是失败,更别说客场输给里尔了。
- Their first ever win in the competition came against villarreal last month .
- 他们曾在上个月两队的第一次交锋中取得了胜利。