
Patricia 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Another work of the australian controversial artist patricia piccinini .
- 这是澳大利亚颇具争议的艺术家patriciapiccinini的另外一款作品。
- Some opposition members , like patricia de lille of the independent democrats party , expressed satisfaction with mr. mbeki 's position on crime .
- 一些反对派,像因卡塔自由党成员帕特里夏德里尔,对姆贝基在打击犯罪活动的立场表示满意。
- Many famous people like patricia are surprisingly humble .
- 许多像派翠西亚一样的知名人士都出奇地谦恭。
- Patricia never leaves the house !
- 帕特丽夏从没离开那个屋子!
- The assistant who checked her in was named patricia dunham .
- 给她做检查的医生助理叫做帕特里夏邓纳姆。
- In addition to that , critics of stone like patricia lambert argue that the filmmaker fabricated events that contradict known facts .
- 除此之外,质疑斯通的批评家帕特丽夏.勒布朗提出这个电影制作人虚构了与广为人知的事实相反的事实。
- In a nifty metaphor of franco-british relations , henri makes his first move to seduce patricia on an official train journey back from a commemoration of the d-day landings .
- 在一次诺曼底登陆纪念日的官方火车旅行归途上,亨利迈出了引诱帕特丽夏的第一步,这也伶俐地暗喻了法英的关系。
- Revelations that private investigators impersonated board members and journalists to obtain private telephone records have prompted calls for the resignation of patricia dunn , hp 's chairman .
- 雇用私家侦探假冒董事会成员和新闻记者、以获取私人电话记录的事件曝光后,引发人们呼吁惠普董事长帕特丽夏邓恩(patriciadunn)辞职。
- Despite fears of rain , patricia nixon insisted her wedding be in the white house rose garden - the first and only wedding ceremony hosted there .
- 尽管担心下雨,理查德尼克松的女儿patricia坚持在白宫玫瑰园举办婚礼,那是第一次也是唯一一次婚礼举办在此。
- Patricia crone , of america 's institute for advanced study , once argued that islam originated in a revolt by semites against byzantine and persian power .
- 美国高级研究院的patriciacrone曾经争论道说伊斯兰教起源于一次闪米特族与拜占庭帝国和波斯帝国的冲突。