

milkman 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- His father started out as a milkman and ended up as a clerk at the internal revenue service .
- 他的父亲早年干过送奶工,后来成为了国税局的一名职员。
- Neighbours report that the milkman would leave his pail at the gate each morning without knocking .
- 邻居说,每天清晨送牛奶的人会在门前放一桶牛奶,但不敲门。
- I have paid the milkman this month .
- 我这个月付款给送奶人了。
- How come they call you milkman ?
- 为什么他们会称你为送奶工人?
- Every day the milkman delivers milk to our house .
- 每天送奶员都把牛奶送到我们家。
- I need money for the milkman .
- 我需要钱去买牛奶。
- Have you paid the milkman this month ?
- 你这个月付款给卖牛奶的人了吗?
- The milkman comes every other day .
- 送牛奶的人每隔一天来一次。
- The milkman delivered the milk late yesterday .
- 送牛奶的人昨天很晚才把牛奶送来。
- Has the milkman come this morning ?
- 今天早上送牛奶的人来了吗?