
Sambadrome 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- A reveller from the unidos da tijuca samba school takes part in the second night of the annual carnival parade in rio de janeiro 's sambadrome .
- 提尢加桑巴舞学校的一名狂欢者在里约热内卢的桑巴馆里参加年度狂欢节第二天晚上的游行演出。
- An eight-minute taste of what to expect will be revealed this evening when hundreds of dancers , singers and musicians will try to capture the spirit of the sambadrome during the rio segment of london 's closing ceremony .
- 里约八分钟将在今天傍晚被揭晓,在伦敦的闭幕式中数百名舞者,歌手和音乐家将向观众展示桑巴的精髓。
- A reveller from the unidos da tijuca samba school takes part in the annual carnival parade in rio de janeiro 's sambadrome .
- 提尢加桑巴舞学校的一名狂欢者在里约热内卢的桑巴馆里参加年度狂欢节游行演出。
- Drum queen barbosa of the unidos da tijuca samba school dances during the annual carnival parade in rio de janeiro 's sambadrome .
- 提尢加桑巴舞学校的鼓手女王巴博萨在里约热内卢的桑巴馆里参加年度狂欢节游行演出。
- A reveller from the mangueira samba school takes part in the second night of the annual carnival parade in rio de janeiro 's sambadrome .
- 马戈拉桑巴舞学校的一名狂欢者在里约热内卢的桑巴馆里参加年度狂欢节第二天晚上的游行演出。
- Revellers from the salgueiro samba school takes part in the parade on the second night of the annual carnival parade in rio de janeiro 's sambadrome .
- 萨尔盖罗桑巴舞学校的狂欢者们在里约热内卢的桑巴馆里参加年度狂欢节第二天晚上的游行演出。