

validity 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- One reason is that scientists seem likely to argue about the validity of her work .
- 其中一个原因是科学家们似乎会争论她的工作的有效性。
- He then volunteered to demonstrate the validity of his opinion .
- 接着他又主动要求证明这一看法的正确性。
- This study provides initial evidence supporting the validity of the assessment .
- 这项调查为评估的正确性提供的有力的证据。
- Numbers do matter , and much depends upon their validity and credibility .
- 数字的确很重要,尤其是其正确性和可信度。
- The validity of the technique is demonstrated on polystyrene spheres .
- 这种技术的正确性,在聚苯乙烯小球上得到了证实。
- As a result , h-p shareholders have no way of evaluating the validity of h-p 's claim .
- 而此而产生的结果是,惠普股东根本无法评估惠普声明的有效性。
- The financial press sometimes criticizes federal reserve policy , but the validity of the fiat system itself is never challenged .
- 金融媒体有时会批评美联储的政策,却从来没有质疑过这个法定货币系统的合法性。
- For 16 centuries , christianity also defined the validity of a marriage on the basis of a couple 's wishes .
- 16世纪时,基督教义还以一对新人的结婚意愿来定义一段将婚姻的合法性。
- If their validity is in doubt , people feel not only poorer but also anxious and disoriented .
- 如果其有效性受到质疑,人们不仅会感到更加贫穷,还会焦虑和迷惘。
- But the main reason they share there is to share , not to recommend the validity of a link in case someone searches for something similar .
- 但他们分享的主要原因只是因为他们想要分享,而不是想推荐这个正确的链接以确保不会有人搜索到相似的东西。