

partitioned 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Use updatable partitioned views that modify one or more member tables .
- 使用修改一个或多个成员表的可更新分区视图。
- Insert statements add data to the member tables through the partitioned view .
- insert语句通过分区视图将数据添加到成员表中。
- In the past few weeks american and european officials have been strident : kosovo should not be partitioned . Who said it should be ?
- 在过去的几周里,美国和欧洲的一些官员纷纷大声疾呼,称不能分割科索沃.谁说要分割科索沃?
- It may also choose suboptimal plans for queries posed on partitioned tables and distributed partitioned views .
- 它还可能会选择对分区表和分布式分区视图执行的不太理想的查询计划。
- When using this option , you should consider enabling subscriber requested partitioned snapshot .
- 使用此选项时,应考虑启用订阅服务器请求的分区快照。
- As development teams work on partitioned solutions , they will check in their changes to source code control .
- 开发小组在处理划分的解决方案时,他们会将更改签入源代码管理中。
- They had partitioned the inside into offices .
- 他们把里面隔成了办公室。
- The large room was partitioned into five offices .
- 那个大房间被分隔成五个办公室。
- He partitioned off part of the room as a study .
- 他将房间一部分隔开作书房。
- In a series of agreements between 1772 and 1795 , russia , prussia , and austria partitioned poland amongst themselves .
- 在1772年至1795年间一系列的协议下,俄罗斯、普鲁士和奥地利瓜分了波兰。