The ukrainian press called us gaddafi 's harem . That 's nonsense . None of us nurses was ever his lover ; the only time we ever touched him was to take his blood pressure .
Proust tells the story of mohammed ii who , sensing that he was falling in love with one of his wives in his harem , at once had her killed because he did not wish to live in spiritual bondage to another .
The harem was simply the room in the house occupied by the unmarried women .
Not only is there no ' family ' or ' harem ' organization ; neither is there a ' troop ' organization - that is to say , no particular chimpanzees keep permanently together .
She 's the harem girl more harems !
No. why would l ? To have a harem .
Let a eunuch come to possess a harem ;
I noticed that henry was surrounded by his harem as usual at the party last night .
Indeed , all the harem girls were lovely creatures ...... and all exhaustively alike .