
v.彻底检查( overhaul的过去式和过去分词 );大修;赶上;超越
overhauled 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Yet during the past five years annual returns ( of 12.8 per cent ) have outstripped those of the us , and over the past three ( 8.1 per cent ) have also overhauled those of western europe .
- 不过,在过去5年里,它们的年收益率(12.8%)已超过了美国;过去3年里的年收益率(8.1%)也赶上了西欧水平。
- Like many big banks , ubs has overhauled its bonus structure to more closely align pay with long-term performance .
- 与其它许多大银行一样,瑞银也对奖金制度进行了改革,将薪酬与长期绩效更紧密地挂钩。
- Microsoft has advised hotmail users struggling to access their email accounts to surf via google 's chrome browser in order to successfully connect to the recently overhauled service .
- 微软建议那些访问hotmail邮箱出现困难的用户改用谷歌的chrome浏览器,以便于成功连接到最近他们正在检修的邮箱服务。
- Mr. apotheker overhauled the board after joining h-p , naming six new members this year .
- 李艾科加入惠普后改组董事会,今年任命了六名新董事。
- Sweden has overhauled its admittedly huge welfare state and has a universal school-voucher system .
- 瑞典全面检查其公认的巨大福利社会,实行普及教育券制度。
- She too overhauled her district , closing failing schools while improving test scores .
- 她也彻底改组了她的学区,为了提高考试分数而关闭了失败的学校。
- Since the war , income per head in the once-poor islands has substantially overhauled that in the would-be motherland .
- 自从福克兰群岛战争,这座一度穷困群岛上的每人收入在曾经贫穷的岛里已经实质上超越了自称的祖国阿根廷。
- Hal and his sister and brother-in-law listened unwillingly , pitched tent , and overhauled the outfit .
- 赫尔跟他的姐姐,姐夫不情愿地听着,搭起帐篷,彻底检查行装。
- Mail : apple 's mail app has been totally overhauled to look and work more like the mail app on the ipad .
- 邮件:苹果的邮件应用程序脱胎换骨,看上去和运行起来都更类似ipad上的邮件程序。
- Over the next 40 years , millions of buildings will be overhauled to collect the surrounding renewable energies .
- 未来40年,无数房屋将得到改造,以收集周围的可再生能源。