
outflanking 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Theegyptian president , after all , has been in charge for more than 30 years , outflanking regional and global rivals with consummate ease .
- 毕竟这位埃及总统已经当政30多年,游刃有余地战胜了周边地区和全球的对手。
- There are various tactics or methods for giving effect to this principle , such as dispersion and concentration of forces , diverging advance and converging attack , the offensive and the defensive , assault and containment , encirclement and outflanking , advance and retreat .
- 执行这个方针,有兵力的分散和集中、分进和合击、攻击和防御、突击和钳制、包围和迂回、前进和后退种种的战术或方法。
- It will be shown in the logic that thought ( and the universal ) is not a mere opposite of sense : it lets nothing escape it , but , outflanking its other , is at once that other and itself .
- 在逻辑学中将指出,思想和普遍东西的性质,思想是思想的自身又是思想的对方,思想统摄其对方,绝不让对方逃出其范围。
- The people pioneering the enterprise were cut from the mold of the bucky fuller maverick : talented drop-outs going their own way and clearly outflanking the lumbering giants of the industry , beating them to the punch with a people 's computer .
- 那些计算机企业的开拓者,同buckyfuller所说的特立独行者完全是从一个模子里出来的:天才的辍学生,决定自行其是,并且很明显地超越了业界巨头,抢先推出了属于人民的电脑。
- There 's been a lot of talk about the $ 20 billion bridge loan that jpmorgan chase threw in as part of the deal -- an obvious and important competitive tool in outflanking perennial m & a front-runners goldman sachs ( gs ) and morgan stanley ( ms ) .
- 很多评论认为,摩根大通在此宗交易中提供的200亿美元桥式贷款显然是其击败并购市场常年领头羊高盛(GoldmanSachs)和摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)的重要利器。
- It has managed to grow by outflanking slow-moving competitors used to fat margins .
- 通过独特的定价战略,它战胜了那些行动迟缓、惯于享受丰厚利润的竞争对手,获得了成长。
- Hughie giggled , outflanking her .
- 休吉咯咯地笑着,包抄了过来。
- Therefore concentration of forces and the use of encircling and outflanking tactics are the prerequisites for mobile warfare , that is , for quick-decision offensive warfare on exterior lines .
- 所以,集中兵力,采用包围迂回战术,是实施运动战即外线的速决的进攻战之必要条件。
- The enemies are trained with artificial intelligence that knows to use outflanking tactics or surprise attack .
- 敌坦克经由人工智慧训练,学会使用迂回包抄以及奇袭等战术。