
v.将(节目)录到带子上( videotape的现在分词 )
videotaping 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Undercover cops had been videotaping and photographing the proceedings even as japanese tv broadcast trucks were parked nearby .
- 卧底警察已被摄录和拍照的程序,即使日本电视台转播车被停在附近。
- The data collection procedures included analysis of the videotaping and interviewing the teacher participants .
- 资料搜集方式包括影片摄录与访谈参与教师。
- The state prosecutors and police organizations were adamantly opposed , believing that videotaping would be expensive and cumbersome , and would hamstring their ability to close cases .
- 州检察官和警方机构坚决地反对,认为录像会增加花费和使工作不便,并且会削弱他们结案的能力。
- I just thought the idea of videotaping a teacher was interesting and exciting , he explained .
- 我只是觉得拍摄老师一定很有趣,很刺激,他解释道。
- Videotaping the people 's behavior in a specific environment and then analyzing the concept , culture and want behind the behavior .
- 用录像记录下人在特定环境下的行为,然后分析行为背后的观念,文化,需求等。
- And the newly elected democratic governor had announced his opposition to videotaping of interrogations during the course of his campaign .
- 新选出的民主党州长在竞选活动中公开宣布,反对将审讯过程录像。
- Is she videotaping the matchmaker over there ?
- 那边拍录象的是不是在拍媒公?
- This would have passed relatively unnoticed if not for a controversy surrounding its videotaping .
- 如果不是其录像带引起了争议,这件事大概不太会被人注意到。
- Arnulf and her colleagues used electrodes to track the eye movements of 56 people with rbd and 17 normal sleepers , simultaneously videotaping their nighttime behaviors .
- 阿奴尔芙和她的同事使用电极跟踪56名rbd患者和17名普通的睡眠者,同步录下他们夜晚的行为。
- Videotaping lectures can free up intellectual capital - on the part of both professors and students - to spend their on-campus time thinking and inquiring and challenging each other , rather than just absorbing information .
- 录制好的讲座可以释放知识资本教授和学生都是如此将他们的校园时间进行思考、发问、彼此提问,而不仅仅吸收信息。