
v.将(节目)录到带子上( videotape的过去式和过去分词 )
videotaped 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- So I videotaped her . So what ?
- 所以我拍下她的录象那又怎样?
- In a videotaped message to the iranian people , mr. obama said friday he is committed to diplomacy to address " serious differences " between the united states and iran .
- 在上周五录制的给伊朗人民的录象带中,奥巴马先生说他制定了一个关于两国关系的"重大不同"的外交政策.
- The groups were videotaped and the behaviour of their members carefully examined .
- 实验过程被拍摄下来,每个人的行为也都做了准确监测。
- The weekly radio address that every president has done since fdr will be videotaped and put onto youtube .
- 他的每周谈话(这是自从罗斯福之后每任总统都会例行的节目)将会被录制下来,发布到youtube上。
- Meet with videographer and confirm special events and people you want videotaped .
- 和摄像师见面并确定你想要拍摄的特殊事件和人物。
- We videotaped a twister while traveling through texas .
- 旅行经过德克萨斯州时,我们摄下了龙卷风。
- Videotaped your swing , can you send me a tape ?
- 你的摄像机摆,你能送我的磁带?
- In 2004 , shortly before president bush 's reelection , osama bin laden released a videotaped message claiming responsibility for the september 11 attacks .
- 2004年,就在小布什继任美国总统的前夕,奥萨马发布了一卷录像带信息,声称对911袭击事件负责。
- Teachers and administrators observe videotaped lessons or examine case studies to promote professional dialogue and reflection .
- 教师以及行政管理者必须检视教学录影或是审查个案研究来促进专业的对话与省思.
- Carrabbia said guinness requires that the pizza 's making be videotaped and witnessed by a public official .
- 卡拉比亚说吉尼斯要求录制比萨饼的制作过程,还要求有官员在现场做见证人。